Check out our most current sermons below and if you are interested in older messages you can click the message archive button below.
This week we start a new series called "I Know." Whatever you are facing, whatever struggles. you have, Jesus knows what it feels like as well. Have you ever struggled to release control of something in your life? Is there something that you just can't stop worrying about? The things we try to control the most are often the things we trust God with the least. We are going to look at the examples that Jesus offers us on how to surrender to God.
This week we are going to look at being in control. Have you ever struggled with being in control? Do you like to be in control of things? What about when you can't be in control? What about when it feels like NOBODY is in control? Jesus know what it is like to not be in control, to release control, and to surrender. He know what it feels like to trust God knows best. Find out more in today's message!
Week three of our series
What about those things in your life that just don't make sense? How can this tragedy truly fit into God's plan? I don't understand! I don't like it! Really, how can any good come from this? Did Jesus ever feel this way? It is during these times that we lean into God even more.
What is the most important thing in the Bible? What is the most important thing to our faith? Jesus? Yes, it is Jesus, but don't forget about love. When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus answered that it was love. To love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. Who is your neighbor? How can you love them?
Using 1 Peter 3:14-16 as our text this week, how do we respond to people around us? There should be a difference between us and everyone else around us. That difference is the hope that we have! Do people get a taste of hope from being around you? If not, what are they seeing instead?
Something we see in the lives of the Apostles is that they had dangerous prayers. Why? Because being a Christian was never meant to be safe! They prayed for boldness even in the face of death. We certainly don't have to worry about something as severe as death for attempting to share the Gospel. So why don't we? What are we afraid of? Are you ready to be bold?
Are you ready to move out of your comfort zone? Are you ready to ask God to break your heart for the things that break His heart? But what will you do when things go sideways? When your prayers aren't answered, or when things get tough, what will you do? How will your ability to pray be impacted? Find out more this week as we finish up our series "Dangerous Prayers."
What happens when things go sideways in your life? What about when they REALLY go sideways? Do you trust God, or do you struggle? If we are honest, often, in those times of absolute loss or pain, we struggle. We struggle with the idea that this is part of God's plan. Today, we look at the prophet Elijah and how God made him into the man he was. He did it day by day.
In today's message, we see the prophet Elijah verses all the prophets of Baal in an epic showdown. The point of this? Elijah challenges the Nation of Israel to choose who they will serve. He tells them to stop wavering between God and these false gods. While we don't have the little statues we worship today, we certainly have false gods. What do you think will provide happiness? What about security? When we believe that something in this world can offer what only God can offer, then we have idols and false Gods. Can money fix everything? It can certainly help, but what about when you get diagnosed with terminal cancer? What about when you lose a family member? Only God can provide what you need during those times.
Today we will look at the powerful example Elijah gives us about prayer. Do you pray enough? Do you feel like God is going to answer? Have you ever struggled with the feeling that no matter how much you pray, God just doesn't answer.
Have you ever felt depressed? As a Christian, did you feel like you shouldn't be? Maybe you should pray harder? In Elijah's case, he needed more than prayer; he needed God's direction, love, and care. What do you need?
This week we start our sermon series over the book of Galatians. Paul is writing to warn the Galatians about adding to the Gospel of Jesus. He reminds them that salvation is ONLY from Jesus. Did you know that Jesus + (something else) does not equal salvation? Any time we try to add something besides Jesus for salvation we are messing it all up!
Today's message is going to finish up chapter 1 of Galatians. Paul reminds everyone of who he was before Christ. He also tells them about his call not being from man, but from God. We will look at what we are called to do as well. Just as Paul was picked by God so each of us was picked. Did you know God picked you?
This week we start in Chapter 2 of Galatians. Paul reminds the church that what he is teaching is the good news, it is the Gospel. He talks about how after 14 years of bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles he goes to the Apostles to confirm what he is teaching is correct. He wanted to make sure he wasn't inserting some "extra" things into the Gospel. What he sought was conformation. We like knowing we are correct, we like someone to confirm what we are doing. But are you also willing to ask yourself, "why do you believe what you do?"
What are we to do in a world with so many fake things? We see counterfeit things around us, from shoes to clothes, and even the gospel. In today's message, we continue following Paul's letter to Galatia about never adding to the gospel. He calls it nullifying the gospel. don't want to nullify the gospel!
This week in Galatians we see Paul reminding the church that there is nothing to add to the Gospel. They need to return to the beginning, to the original teaching that Paul shared with them. Have you allowed time to add to the gospel for you? It may be time to go back to how it started!
Who are you? Who is God? Today we try to grasp that God is our Father, not our Master. There is a big difference between these two options. If He is your master, are you afraid of Him? Do you think He is just waiting to "get" you for messing up? Why do you do the things you do? Do you do them to win the approval of the Master or do you do them from a place of approval from the Father?
This week we are going to look at 2 types of relationships. Grace-based and law-based. Think about your relationships, marriages, friendships, etc. Grace or law-based? Jesus died so that grace-based would and should be our default.
What's something exciting your business Have you ever tried to do something yourself that you knew you couldn’t do? How did it work out? Did you mess it up? God made a promise to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, but Abraham even at an old age still didn’t have any sons. So he and his wife came up with a plan, at plan that instead of trusting God they would try to take care of it themselves. It didn’t work, and for many of us when we refuse to trust God it doesn’t work out for us as well.
This week in Galatians, we examine the difference between freedom and legalism. Legalism seeks only to add to us, to make things difficult, while freedom in Christ is meant to be light. He tells us to come to him all of those who are heavily laden, and he will give them rest. His yoke is easy, and his burden is light.
When we begin to allow legalism to corrupt our thoughts, we begin to feel that Jesus isn’t enough, that we need to do more. And another consequence is that we also start to feel like we are better than others.
Often, it is brought up that we are all sinners, and many of us have lives that are just hot messes. While these are very true it is important to remember that is not your identity. You are not your sin. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, if you have surrendered to Him then you are an heir to the throne. You are a child of God! Isn't that just awesome? Of course, it is. The only warning would be not to think you are better than someone else. There is danger in forgetting who you were, the cost it took to save you and to forget that sacrifice is for ALL people. Yes, even "those" people.
In today's message, we see the example of sowing and reaping. While many of you might not garden anymore, we all understand the concept. When you put a seed in the ground, you know what it is and are not surprised when that same type of plant grows! But why do we forget this in other parts of our lives? Is your marriage struggling? Are you "sowing" enough into your marriage? Or how about your relationships with family, friends, etc. We may need to sow more into those places as well. How is your relationship with God? What are you doing to sow into your relationship with God? You reap what you sow, so if you want a better relationship, then sow more!
How can we love like Jesus? Do you have someone that you just can't forgive? Is there someone that you don't want to forgive? The first way we can love like Jesus is to forgive. I know it sounds like too much, but yes we are called to forgive, and by doing so we show love!
This morning we have a guest speaker, our own Jeff Quattlebaum. In his message, he shares the truth of the Gospel and offers us some choices. What will you choose to do with Jesus today? Remember to listen to the teachings of Jesus and not that of man!
Happy Father's Day! Please note that today's message is split into two parts because of an issue with the internet. Today Austin Loza shares with us how to get closer to God, as God fills us.
Happy Father's Day! Please note that today's message is split into two parts because of an issue with the internet. Today Austin Loza shares with us how to get closer to God, as God fills us.
This week Tommy is back from vacation and ready to preach. Do you want to love like Jesus? Then be ready to serve. Listen as we look at the word of God and Jesus' teachings and demonstrations of love. This week pray that you can see people's needs and find ways to meet them.
Community. Community is so much more important than many of us understand. We are learning to love like Jesus and one of the ways this is overlooked is loving in a community. People should look at your community and say "I want to be a part of that!" Find out more in today's message.
This week we start a new series called "Me & My Big Mouth." Our words matter, Jesus even goes further and says words can bring life or death. Do you ever complain? Why? Is it because everyone complains? Today we can choose to change our perspective.
This week we are going to talk about criticism! As our example, Jesus models us not to criticize others but to encourage them! Our words matter, they have the power to bring life and death, to criticize and bring hope! What will you do today? When we criticize others we believe we know better than them. While in some circumstances we may, most of the time we have no idea what is going on in that person's life. Instead of criticizing them, how about helping them!
This week in our series we are going to be talking about telling lies. Have you ever told a lie? Of course, you have, we all lie. What about those little white lies? No big deal at all, right? What if I told you there are no such things as little innocent lies? While some don't think this is a big deal, it really is.
Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed? Have you ever found that when life goes sideways your faith struggles? Jesus said we WILL have tribulations, but He has OVERCOME the World! It is our choice. It is up to us to choose to continue to try to do it on our own and think we are in control, or choose to trust God. Watch more to find out more about our choices.
This week we are starting a new series called "Grace." Grace is a word often used in our society but also often taken for granted. Each week we are going to look at God's grace and what our response could or should be. Also how grace can change our lives! Grace is irrational, unconditional, and relentless!
In this week's message about Grace, we will be looking at what it means to be zealous. What does a zealous person look like? Good or bad? One of our responses to God because of His great love and grace shown to each of us is to be different. There should be a difference between a believer and a nonbeliever.
Today we continue our series over Grace, specifically the transformation that comes from it! We all know that we can't be good enough or do enough to pay the price for sin. Instead, we need a type of love that is irrational, unconditional, and relentless! That's called GRACE!
We continue our series about Grace. Each week we are reminded that Grace is a gift from God that we do not deserve. In fact, not only do we not deserve it we can't do anything to earn it. Luckily for us, Jesus paid the price for our sins and we only need to accept Him to have those sins washed away. But what about "after" we get saved? Why do we keep sinning? Because of our sinful nature, we continue to sin. Find out the answer in today's message.
Today we finish up our series over Grace. We know that grace means getting something that we do not deserve. In this case, salvation. Jesus offered Himself up for all of us to pay the cost of our sins. Our response to that Grace is what we have been talking about. What will be your response? This week, we give some great options but have plenty of room for more!
This week we have a guest speaker, Austin Loza. He's not much of a guest since he's a member, elder, and youth director for us! Austin closes out our series of Grace and prepares us for Holy Week.
It's Easter Sunday! Today we celebrate the gift of hope, the gift of freedom, and the gift of grace! Listen today as we look at what Jesus wants from you and wants to give you. God loves you so much, He loves you just as you are, even if you are a hotness. Actually, we are all a hotness. There is nothing you can do to stop Him from loving you, just as there is nothing you can do to make Him love you less.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Have you ever felt like it was just too much? Is this how we are meant to live? When Jesus promised that we could have life to its fullest, did He mean nothing bad would happen to us? Unfortunately no. Because of sin, life goes sideways for those who are Christians and those who are not. The difference is that Christians have Christ!
Did you know that Jesus was overwhelmed? It's true. When He was faced with the upcoming cross He asked if there was another way. He was not doubting the Father, after all how could He? But was overwhelmed by the task before Him, and when overwhelmed He demonstrated what we too should do when overwhelmed!
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? The answer is of course, YES. Maybe not right now, but it is coming. Or maybe you feel so overwhelmed right now that you don't know what to do! Wouldn't it be nice if when you become a Christian that Jesus waves a wand and all the bad things in your life disappear? Wouldn't it be nice that the phrase we hear all the time "God won't give you more than you can handle" were true? Sadly it is not! In fact, God will often give us more than we can handle and often. The person is to help us to stop thinking we can do something. We can't...we can't do anything, but God can! what are you facing today? Is it bigger than God?
This week we look at fear. Everyone is afraid of something, what about you? The thing about fear is that it is the opposite of faith. When we are afraid it is like we are saying "God I don't trust you." Worst off is that when fear leads to doubt, and then that doubt leads to being overwhelmed! So what do we do? We turn to Jesus of course. But what if you have doubts? You call out to Him and be honest!
Today we have a special speaker, Jeff Quattlebaum! He continues our series called "Overwhelmed." What do you do when you are overwhelmed? You do exactly what Jesus did. We know praying is an important part, but do you realize how important His Word is? The best place in the world to be when you are overwhelmed is in the Bible!!!
This Sunday we finish up our series called "Overwhelmed." Each week has been about what you can do when you are overwhelmed. This last week deals with you actually doing something. All the knowledge in the world isn't going to help transform you into a growing disciple of Christ. A quote from Perry Noble says information + application = transformation. This is true for our faith, this is true in life! Find out more!
This week we start our new series, "The Book of Malachi, The Silence is Over." The book of Malachi was God's last words to us and meant to prepare for the coming Messiah. So we will look at how we can prepare for Christmas. The first thing we can do is work on building our relationship with Jesus!
This week we look at Malachi 1:6-14 to finish out the chapter. Today's text is basically an audit of how the Nation of Israel has done. How have they done with what you may ask? The plan, or the solutions God offered them for the problems caused by sin. I'll save you the suspense, they did bad! The priests, sacrificial system, and temple were epic failures. But that's okay because God has a new plan for the same old problems, and that is JESUS!
This week we see God having a sort of "family meeting" with the nation of Israel. Specifically with the priests this time. He tells them that they do not listen to Him. They focus on the wrong things and add things that they should not. He reminds them they were to have been messengers of the truth, not editors. The same holds true for us today. We are God's messengers, and we are also guilty of not listening to God. He calls us to listen to Him, take what He says to heart, (even test the spirits to make sure it's God), and obey (that means do something)! Find out more this week as we continue our series!
Have you ever put your relationship with someone else above your relationship with God? We all have, and we all will. I don't think many of us wake up and intentionally decide that we will do this, it just happens. Our kids, our spouses, and our work are just some of the things we put before God. Why does this matter? Think about your relationship with God. How is it? Is it as strong as you wish it was? Is it as strong as it once was? This week we will look at how to get closer to God!
This week in our series over Malachi we are going to look at two very important things. Relationships and resources. Since man's creation to know, are there any other things that matter more to us? Obviously, we should say our relationship with God is the most important. But is our relationship with God really the most important? I mean, it might be sometimes. But if we were all honest we would have to admit that money is often the most important.
This week we finish up our series on the book of Malachi. This whole time God has been expressing to the Israelites how the old system is not working. Not that God created a plan that can not work, but that man isn't able to do it. This system of sacrifice was needed to prepare the world for the Messiah. That messiah is baby Jesus! That baby grew up, died, and rose from the grave so that we could be saved!
This week Austin shares a message of hope as we celebrate the birth of our savior. Thank you for watching and Merry Christmas!
How was 2023 for you? Good year? Great year? Terrible year? A year you want to forget? What do we do when we don't know how to move forward? Today Pastor Tommy's wife Cathy Russell will share how she has learned to find hope when there doesn't seem to be hope anywhere else.
Too often we find ourselves chasing after that one thing that we think will fix it all. If only I could get that one thing. If only I had more of that! Yet no matter what you chase after, it can not fulfill you or bring you satisfaction. In fact most of those things we chase after work directly against our relationship with God. This week we are going to look at fame. Remember not many years ago you had to do something to be famous? Today all you need is a cellphone and something that catches, then boom, you are famous!
This weeks message is about money. Yes another one of those messages that tells you money and stuff are not the answer. Understand they certainly are "an" answer. They are just not "THE" answer. Of course the answer is Jesus, it's always Jesus. Listen to see what you think about money, your faith, and your issues.
This week are are going to look at the pursuit of perfection. How many times do you place unrealistic expectations on yourself? How many times to just imagine some other person's expectations that are on you? The need to have a perfect house, a perfect family. Searching after the things that would let you appear perfect! Yet we know we can't be perfect, none can. NOBODY! We are all sinners. What about the law? It is the law that shows us how much we need a savior! The only kind of perfection we should be searching for involves perfect love! *the first few minutes of the sermon audio was not working.
This week we are going to look at being a people pleaser or the pursuit of people's approval. This is the kind of Carrot that sneaks up and before you know it, you are trapped. Find out how to escape the trap and build your relationship with Jesus!
This week as we close out the series we look at all the things we put before God. We will learn that all of the things we put before God mean that we love them more than Him. Instead of those things we need to grow in our relationship with Jesus. And according to Him, the only thing that matters is love. When asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus did not say love and (whatever else we think matters). No He said LOVE.
This morning we were blessed to have Pastor Isidor Bajic from Serbia. He first shared a bit about what he was doing currently in the Balkans and some history. But he is a pastor first and brought a powerful message about trusting God!
This week we start a new series called "Heart of a Champion." In this series, we are going to learn together how to develop this type of heart. Of course, who better to model this for us? Jesus! We will look at three stories of when Jesus encountered people and met their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. In order for us to move from a selfish heart to a heart that cares for others like Jesus does, we need to train. Let us start now!
I think all Christians can understand the concept that we need Jesus in our lives. For years we have been taught that there is a God-sized hole in our heart that only He can fill. This week as we continue our series we will look at what else we need, or rather what else God has given us. God created us to worship Him, and He also created us to not be alone. We need other people, it is simply how we are wired. Find out more in this message.
As we continue our series, this week we are going to look at how spiritual growth strengthens our hearts and makes us more like Christ. We know we are supposed to keep growing spiritually as none of us have arrived or “made it.” There is always room for improvement! Think about it, are you close to God right now? Are you closer now than when you first found Salvation? What happens? How can we keep going in uncertain times?
This week we finish up our series on how to develop the heart of a champion, or in our case, a heart more like Christ. Each week we have looked at different parts of the heart, this week is no different yet building upon the previous parts. What good is it if we ask God to help us see people the way He sees them and do nothing to help? What good is it if we have the ability to look at people through the lens of God's grace and mercy, yet do nothing? This week we look at being a servant. To put action to our words, to serve others. Remember you are never closer to being like Christ than you are when you are serving others!
This week we start a brand new series called "Relationship Goals." Weekly we will look at different concepts and things we can do to improve all our Relationships. Yes, this is a marriage series, yet it is for all your relationships. The first one up is being Christ-Centered. If you or your relationship isn't Christ-Centered, it's something else-centered. Are you the center? Your spouse? Your Kids? Your job? Money? An image? Find out this week how to become Christ-Centered!
This week we are going to look at being mission-driven as one of our relationship goals. Remember we do not want what "normal" people have when "normal" is hurting, being afraid, divorced, broken, insecure. No, we want something different, better even. What is your mission? What is the mission that unites you as a couple? What drives your marriage, or your relationship?
This week are going to take a look at spiritual warfare. Why spiritual warfare in a relationship series? Simple, the Bible tells us that the devil wants to destroy our relationships. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy anything that God loves. This would include you and me. Knowing this, why do so many just ignore the devil and act like he isn't trying to destroy all your relationships? It's time to step up, it's time to go to war!
Today we finished up our series on Relationship goals. Too often we enter into our various relationships as a very casual thing. Casual friendships, casual boyfriends, and girlfriends. And eventually, a casual marriage. The problem is that if the relationship is just casual, what if that carries over to your faith? What if you are casual about your relationship with God. Or maybe you think of a relationship as a contract. You do your part and I'll do my part. That doesn't work with God either. Find out more as we look at what it means to be a covenant keeper!
This week we start a new series called "Take Heart!" What can you take heart in? Our Government? The News? Even yourself? The only person that will never let us down, the only one is Jesus! The Church is no longer our country's moral compass. Just a few decades ago when the church said something was wrong 90% of the people would agree. Those days are gone. We of course are not under the same persecution that the early church was, at least not yet. But unfortunately what we do have in common with some of those early churches is the fact that many have started to hide their faith. To be a Christian at church, maybe at home, but not at work. Many have stopped sharing their faith with anyone for fear of what may happen to them. Take Heart! Jesus has overcome the World, it is time we all do our part to spread the Good News!
Did you know that God never makes you feel shame and guilt? the Bible tells us that Jesus did not come to the world to condemn us but to save us. So why do we feel shame? Why do we feel guilty? Why do we feel like we are not good enough? The truth is that we are not good enough, at least not good enough to be redeemed in God's eyes, yet Jesus is more than enough! the Bible tells us that Jesus nailed our sins to the cross. So when you feel ashamed, or not good enough...that's not God making you feel that way. Could be the other guy, could be you. Either way, stop it. You are are able to be redeemed and never feel like you are not enough again. Trust in Jesus!
This week we finish up our series "Take Heart." It is important to know that you are part of God's A team, yes you! Often we don't think we are the answer or part of the plan, but over and over again Jesus tells us that we, you and me, will bring the gospel to the world. Remember you are uniquely made, uniquely placed, for unique situations.